window.en_US = { "js.tasks.startyear" : "Start year", "" : "{1}/{2} selected", "js.meldingen.graph.main-typesAndDates-option" : "Notifications by label and time", "js.layers.geopunt.birds" : "Bird Directive Areas", "" : "Management processes of my organisation", "js.elements.graph.stats-Punt-title" : "Points", "js.elements.graph.nonactive" : "Not Activated", "" : "No elements found", "js.taskgroup.gantt.title.distributor" : "Task groups where I am the distributor", "js.message.bulk-change-result" : "Bulk change result: {0}", "js.label.meldingen" : "notifications ", "js.taskgroup.gantt.actions" : "Actions", "js.meldingen.graph.amount" : "Number", "" : "Gelieve eerste een project te selecteren", "js.layers.old.title" : "From the old collection", "js.layers.base.toner" : "Toner", "js.interactions.change-layer" : "Change layer", "js.layers.base.grb" : "GRB", "js.options.subnorms-empty" : "- Sub standard -", "js.message.changes-required" : "You have not specified any changes. Fill in at least one field.", "js.label.custom" : "Choose custom dates", "" : "- no label -", "js.interactions.extra-info-media" : "Extra Info Media", "js.messages.noelements-for-filter" : "No elements found that match this filter.", "js.layers.air.winter-2013-2015" : "Winter 2013-2015 Large-scale", "js.elements.graph.view-title" : "Graph: element list", "" : "Not yet checked", "js.messages.grb_zoom_in" : "Zoom in to perform this search", "js.label.print-title" : "Various Print Options", "js.elements.graph.amount-status-title" : "Elements: {0} per status", "" : "No registrations available for this selection", "js.messages.unmakePdLabel" : "Convert to polygon", "js.layers.geopunt.soiltypes" : "Soil map: soil types", "js.layers.overlay.split" : "Split overlay", "js.workfiche.graph.title.all" : "Work Sheets of all Distributors", "js.beheer.editPropsSingle.workSchedule" : "Work schedule", "js.selectAll" : "Deselect all", "js.elements.graph.stats-Vlak-title" : "Polygons", "js.options.architects-empty" : "- Architects -", "" : "Show and Select NO project parts", "js.messages.split-not-possible" : "Splitting is not possible, there may be management process attached to the line.", "" : "Show and Select ONLY project parts", "js.layers.geopunt.babitat" : "Habitat Directive Areas", "js.validation.startyear-before-endyear" : "'Start year from' must be less than or equal to the start year until'.", "js.options.types-empty" : "- Geotypes -", "js.layers.air.wallonie" : "Wallonia", "js.graph.amount" : "Number", "js.interactions.edit-elements" : "Edit elements", "js.tasks.graph.view-title" : "Graph: task list", "js.label.last-year" : "Last Year", "js.layers.old.ferraris-map" : "Ferraris Map 1771 - 1778", "js.label.year" : "This year", "js.tasks.graph.main-ready-option" : "Number of ready and control registrations per starting month", "js.tasks.graphs.ready-tooltip" : "Tasks completed", "js.label.filter" : "Filter", "" : "No tasks available", "js.taskgroup.gantt.columnTaskgroups" : "Task Groups/Work Sheets", "js.meldingen.graph.dateTitle" : "Number of notifications per date", "js.taskgroup.gantt.execPlanner" : "Task groups where I am the distributor", "js.layers.air.luxemburg" : "Luxembourg", "js.layers.geopunt.gewestplan" : "Regional Plan", "js.taskgroup.gantt.nowo" : "No work order", "js.taskgroup.gantt.nows" : "no work sheet", "js.options.project-empty" : "- Work project -", "js.taskgroups.gantt.title" : "Gantt: task groups within work sheets", "js.messages.makePdLabel" : "Omvormen tot projectdeel", "js.tasks.graph.status-title" : "Tasks: number of ready registrations per starting month", "js.interactions.history-extra-info" : "History Extra Info", "js.options.geotypes-empty" : "- Select geotype(s) -", "" : "No tasks available in this work sheet", "js.status.connection.bad" : "The internet connection is not good, but it works.", "js.workfiche.graph.title.execPlanner" : "Work Sheets where I am the distributor", "js.elements.graph.count-extraInfo" : "Elements: Number per {1}", "js.validation.tasks.startdate-invalid" : "Start date must be a valid value.", "" : "Search for a parcel in the GRB", "js.layers.base.dipla-osm" : "DIPLA OSM", "js.options.ws2-empty" : "- Management processes -", "js.elements.graph.not-executed" : "Not activated", "js.label.location" : "Current Location", "" : "Choose an item...", "js.elements.graph.main-amountstatus-option" : "st/m/m² per status", "" : "No Info", "js.message.error-saving-feature" : "Error saving the task.", "js.options.executors-empty" : "- Executors-", "js.layers.geopunt.heightmodel" : "Digital Height Model Flanders II, Multidirectional Hillshade 0.25m", "js.label.element-list" : "Element list", "js.taskgroup.gantt.distributor" : "Task groups where I am the distributor", "js.werkfiche.graph.subtitle" : "Work Sheets per Organization", "js.label.element-groups" : "Element groups", "js.elements.graph.stats-Punt-unit" : "st", "" : "Select layer", "" : "- Elements without geotype -", "js.options.pp-empty" : "- Project parts -", "js.tasks.startmonth" : "Start month", "" : "My Organization", "" : "Management processes used in this project", "" : "No tasks available in this work order", "" : "- Element without Label -", "js.meldingen.graph.statusTitle" : "Notifications ", "js.meldingen.graph.taken" : "Tasks", "js.meldingen.graph.meldingen" : "Notifications ", "js.taskgroup.gantt.columnAmount" : "Number", "js.layers.air.recent" : "Aerial Photo (most recent)", "js.elements.graph.main-ready-option" : "Number of activations per starting month", "" : "No tasks available in this work sheet", "js.interactions.showall-select" : "Show and Select all", "js.taskgroup.gantt.title.execPlanner" : "Task groups where I am the distributor", "js.meldingen.graph.category" : "Label / category", "" : "There is no internet connection, or the connection is so slow that DIPLA may not work properly.", "js.tasks.graph.amountnorm-title" : "Tasks: {0} per task name", "js.meldingen.graph.year" : "Notifications in {0}", "js.layers.air.summer-2018" : "Summer 2018", "js.label.trashcan" : "Trash Can", "js.options.status-no-name" : "- Status without Name -", "" : "Search...", "" : "- Elements without management process -", "" : "selected", "js.label.tasks" : "Tasks", "js.messages.deleteMelding-result" : "Notification deleted", "js.options.amount-select" : "{1}/{2} selected", "" : "Open Task Groups", "js.tasks.graph.amount-title" : "Tasks: {0} per task name and start month", "js.messages.oops" : "Oops, something went wrong. numberReturned = {1}", "" : "No more than 50,000 tasks can be opened in the task tables. Choose a different filter or reduce your selection.", "js.messages.movesplit.choose-project-error" : "Error: You must select a project when moving.", "" : "Next year", "" : "Activated", "js.messages.cancel-edit" : "Edit cancelled", "js.elements.geotype" : "Geotypes", "js.elements.graph.stats-Vlak-unit" : "m2", "js.taskgroup.gantt.columnTaskgroupsWo" : "Task Groups/Work orders", "js.layers.air.winter-2019-01" : "Winter 2019/01", "js.meldingen.graph.categoryTitle" : "Number of notifications per label", "js.interactions.create-tasks-on-elements" : "Create task", "" : "Center Map Here", "" : "Open work order", "js.tasks.graph.main-amount-option" : "st/m/m² per task name and start month", "" : "Open work sheet", "" : "- Select management process(es) -", "js.RcReport.value.0" : "New notification", "js.RcReport.value.3" : "Afgehandeld", "js.RcReport.value.4" : "Archive", "js.RcReport.value.1" : "In behandeling", "js.RcReport.value.2" : "In behandeling", "" : "No management process", "js.tasks.graph.main-normamount-option" : "st/m/m² per task name ", "js.tasks.graph.not-executed" : "Not Executed", "js.taskgroup.gantt.subtitle" : "Task groups within work sheets", "js.label.choose-date" : "Change date", "" : "Management process", "js.status.connection.unreachable" : "DIPLA is unreachable.", "js.layers.air.summer-2018-infrared" : "Summer 2018 Infrared", "" : "Today", "js.elements.graph.status-title" : "Number of (non) activated steps per start year", "js.elements.graphs.ready-tooltip" : "Activations for elements", "js.elements.graph.stats-Lijn-unit" : "m", "js.status.connection.unknown" : "Unknown error in DIPLA.", "js.layers.old.atlas-roads" : "Atlas of Neighborhood Roads", "" : "- This notification is not for my organisation -", "js.toggle.typePolygon2.on" : "Management process", "js.label.month" : "This month", "js.taskgroup.gantt.noleader" : "No Executor", "js.taskgroup.gantt.columnDimension" : "Dimension", "js.message.settings-amount" : "Settings amount: {0}", "js.elements.graph.amount-geotype-title" : "Elements: {0} per geotype", "js.elements.graph.view-title-extra" : "Graph: Extra info list", "js.elements.graph.amount-extraInfo" : "Elements: {0} per {1}", "js.elements.graph.extraInfo-multiple" : "Elements: Extra Info Relations", "js.interactions.delete-point" : "Delete point", "" : "Task", "js.elements.graph.amountws-title" : "Elements: {0} per management process", "js.layers.geopunt.ven" : "Ven", "" : "No Control", "js.layers.geopunt.vha" : "VHA", "" : "No registrations available in these elements", "js.taskgroup.gantt.title.allWo" : "Task groups of all Directors", "js.workfiche.graph.everyone" : "Work Sheets of all Distributors", "js.taskgroups.gantt.titleWo" : "Gantt: task groups within work orders", "js.layers.geopunt.title" : "Geopoint", "js.layers.base.dipla-osm-2-beta" : "DIPLA OSM 2 Beta", "js.elements.graph.amount-title" : "Elements: {0} per management process and starting year", "" : "No changes available for this selection", "js.messages.dashboard-load-error" : "Something went wrong while retrieving the dashboard.", "js.status.connection.good" : "The internet connection is good.", "js.taskgroup.gantt.noexecorg" : "No Executive Organization", "js.elements.amount" : "Amount", "js.meldingen.graph.taskStatusTitle" : "Tasks", "js.layers.geopunt.watertoets-2014" : "Watertoets 2014", "" : "Choose at least one reference norm to draw a task!", "js.interactions.copy-layer" : "Copy Layer", "js.interactions.add-extra-info-questions" : "Edit or Add Extra Info via a Questionnaire", "js.label.elements" : "Elements", "js.taskgroup.gantt.everyone" : "Task groups of all distributors", "" : "Deselect All", "js.taskgroups.button.gantt-wo" : "Gantt: task groups within work orders", "js.taskgroups.button.gantt-wf" : "Gantt: task groups within work sheets", "" : "Search for a Street/City", "js.workfiche.graph.execPlanner" : "Work Sheets where I am the distributor", "js.label.filter-active" : "Filter Active", "js.validation.tasks.startdate-before-enddate" : "Startdate must be less than the Enddate.", "js.taskgroup.gantt.edit-tg" : "Edit task groups", "js.tasks.graph.approval-title" : "Tasks: number of control registrations per starting month", "js.layers.air.nederland" : "Netherlands", "" : "No tasks found that match this filter.", "js.toggle.typePolygon.on" : "Management process", "js.default.reload" : "Reload the page", "js.elements.graph.main-amountgeotype-option" : "st/m/m² per geotype", "js.elements.status" : "Status", "js.messages.pp-shown-again" : "Project parts are shown again", "js.interactions.refresh-map" : "Refresh Map", "js.options.status-empty" : "- Select Status(es) -", "js.taskgroup.gantt.move-wo" : "Move to work order", "js.taskgroup.gantt.move-wf" : "Move to work sheet", "js.label.last-month" : "Previous month", "js.messages.parameter-error" : "Error processing parameters", "js.elements.graph.main-amount-option" : "st/m/m² per management process and starting month", "" : "Save result: {1}", "js.layers.base.osm" : "osm", "js.elements.graph.main-amountws-option" : "st/m/m² per management process", "js.taskgroup.gantt.title.coordinator" : "Task groups where I am the Director", "" : "Save result {1}: {2}", "js.validation.tasks.enddate-invalid" : "Enddate must be a valid value.", "" : "No Status", "" : "Next month", "js.taskgroup.gantt.title.all" : "Task groups of all distributors", "js.taskgroup.gantt.subtitleWo" : "Task groups within work orders", "" : "Management processes environment {1}", "js.layers.air.title" : "Aerial Photos", "js.elements.graph.stats-Lijn-title" : "Lines", "js.taskgroup.gantt.nonorm" : "No task name", "js.deselectAll" : "Select All", "" : "Environment {1}", "" : "Save result: No errors", "js.werkfiche.graph.title" : "Gantt: work sheets", "js.label.factory-settings" : "Reset to default settings", "js.label.week" : "This Week", "js.elements.graph.approval-title" : "Elements: number of control registrations per starting year", "js.messages.grb_empty_search" : "Empty search is not allowed.", "js.layers.base.title" : "Base Layers", "" : "Select All", }